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Children's Well-being

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed a lot for families with children in the past few weeks. And we know parents and carers might be worried about balancing working from home with family life, from creating structure to coping with difficult feelings.

On this page are links to support families with home learning as well as support children's well-being. 

For resources to support parent well-being please go to the Parent Well-being page. 

Government Guidance on Heath and Well-being

This advice is to help adults with caring responsibilities look after the mental health and well-being of children or young people, including those with additional needs and disabilities, during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Click here 

Routine and timetables

When it comes to planning your day, there’s no such thing as a right or wrong schedule.

Some children may work best if they work in short 15-minute bursts throughout the day, while others may be better suited to a longer, more focused session.

Some will want to get their learning out of the way in the morning, but others may be more alert and ready to learn after a chilled-out morning and some lunch.

If your child is older and beginning to show independence, you may simply be able to give them their daily activities and let them choose when they complete them, but be clear that all the day’s activities need to be completed within a certain time frame.

Younger children will need more supervision, but the amount of work that they need to do, and the depth in which they explore it, will be short.

Despite not having to get to school, it’s still good practice for your child to be up, dressed and ready for the day by 9am. 

Maintaining a regular waking time and bedtime will stop your days spiraling out of control and help your child to stay in a healthy routine for when they do return to school.

Here are two examples of possible daily schedules that help structure the day. The Visual Timetables on the SEND page can be used to support these schedules. 


Parent folder
 theschoolrun_home_learning_timetables 2.pdfDownload
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Dealing with Questions and Anxiety

During this time of unprecedented change, many children will be feeling the kind of uncertainty, lack of control and anxiety. They may need support navigating new situations, and clear communication can help alleviate anxiety. 

Below are some links to organisations with resources and support for families in lockdown

NSPCC   https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/coronavirus-advice-suppport-children-families-parents/

Leeds Mindmate Spa https://www.mindmate.org.uk/im-a-parent-or-carer/resources-for-parents-carers-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak/

Childline https://www.childline.org.uk/info-advice/

BBC Bitesize well-being https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/znsmxyc 

Social Stories

A social story is toll that can be used to explain new or stressful situations to children. They can be a simple script or series of pictures with captions that explain what the situation is, what will happen, what the children are expected to do, and what the result will be. 

Below are some social stories that you can use to explain the situations to your child. 

Parent folder
 Healthy Routines.pptxDownload
 Keeping Healthy.pptxDownload
 Managing mental health.pptxDownload
 Self belief.pptxDownload
 YR 1 & 2 My Mind Being Positive.pptxDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Keeping Busy

Below are links to websites, videos and resources for projects to keep your children entertained and busy. 

Zoo Cams (Live streaming) Click Here

Free Books online Book Trust     David Walliams audio books and resources

Joe Wicks – Online P.E. Lessons every morning between 9am – 9.30am Joe Wicks PE

Drawing with author and illustrator  Rob Biddulph   Art for Kids Hub

Obstacle courses Obstacle course

Virtual Tours of Museums and Art Galleries Virtual Tours

Save the Children Den (ideas to keep children busy at home) The Den