Hollybush Primary School

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Welcome to Year 6

6KC - Mrs Clayton, Mrs Illingworth

6MD - Miss Driscoll, Mrs Watkins

6KG - Miss Greaves, Mrs Davies

Learning Mentor- Mr Strong

The children have enjoyed classifying in science, learning how to play Poko Tok in history and Bushcraft Skills that they are writing about in English. 

***Year 6 Statutory Assessments will be week commencing 14th May 2024 ***

 Year 6 Long Term Plan 2023-24.pdfDownload
 Year 6 Aut 1 Plan A2023-2024.pdfDownload
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A huge welcome to Year 6. We are looking forward to the year ahead for lots of exciting new experiences and diverse learning within our classroom community. Starting your learning journey this year at the top of the school will give you many new opportunities to grow, develop and achieve success. Mrs Clayton, Mrs Driscoll and Miss Greaves will be working with you primarily this year as your classroom teacher and we will also have a helping hand from Miss Naylor, Mrs Worthington, Mrs Aspin and Miss Bee. We will always be there to support you and we are committed to ensuring your child is happy at school whilst working hard and getting ready for high school. Please come and speak to us if you have any questions or concerns at any point.

This terms topic will be 'The Victorians'

This term the children will be learning about Leeds during the Victorian Period. They will compare and contrast the use of the buildings within the city with how these localities and landmarks are used today using interactive maps and local information web sites. They will compare the lifestyles of the rich with the poor during this period and investigate the punishments handed out to those who committed crimes during this time.

As well as learning about the Geography of Leeds during this period, the pupils will also carry out research and observations in order to gain an understanding of Victorian inventions as well as learning about famous Victorians and how these people and objects have impacted our daily lives.

PE will be badminton on Wednesday (6MD / 6KG) and Tuesday (6KC)

Reading Focus

This half term the pupils will be reading Oliver Twist. We will also use short Victorian texts to develop a deeper understanding of narrative writing and historical language.  They will also use these texts to write character descriptions.

Did you know you don’t need to be an expert in reading to help with your child’s reading?

Listen to your child read and record a comment in their reading diary each week and complete their reading revision booklet.

Writing Focus

This half term the pupils will be reading flip-o-storic to help them wonder and ask questions about the possibilities of other animals, they will use this text to write a non-chronological report.

Did you know you don’t need to be an expert in writing to help with your child’s writing?

Encourage your child to practice their spellings each week and complete their SPAG revision book.

Maths Focus

This term the pupils will be learning the value of digits in numbers up to three decimal places. They will be consolidating their knowledge of equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. They will be using a range of skills to solve two step problems.

Did you know you don’t need to be an expert in maths to help with your child’s maths?

Encourage your child to practice their time tables at home on TTRs and to complete their maths revision booklet.

Year 6 Upcoming experiences


Bush Craft Team - linked to English

Lineham Farm Residential - 

Click here to visit the website

Click here for a virtual tour


Armley Mill - Victorians


End of year celebration trip - funded by the PTA