Hollybush Primary School

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Welcome to Year 1

1JL - Mrs Lockwood, Mrs Town, Mrs Holdsworth

1AH - Mrs Harrison, Mrs James

Nurture - HLTA Miss Bee

Learning Mentor- Miss Owen

Year 1 Upcoming Experiences 2023-24

Autumn term – local nature walk (science and geography links).

Spring term – Kirkstall Toy museum (history link) 

Summer term – Great Fire of London and dinosaur experience (history and science link)

 Year 1 Long Term Plan 2024-25.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Plan A Autumn 1 2023-2024 (1) (1).pdfDownload
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A huge welcome to Year 1! It is the start of a brand-new year and we can’t wait to make it an amazing one. We have got lots of exciting learning planned for you!  We are looking forward to being able to develop our friendships, maturity, listening and a positive mindset, all when aspiring to be the best we can be in school.

Continuous Provision

The year one classrooms are set up in a similar way to Foundation Stage so that the children are building on prior learning. The children have access to areas of provision which are designed to challenge, enhance and practice their learning. Provision encourages children to use resources that they have previously encountered with an adult and use these independently.

This terms topic (Autumn) will be ‘Into the Woods’

For this half term, we will be focusing on the tales of Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and Hansel and Gretel. They will inspire us to write our own stories with a woodland theme. In Science, we’ll learn all about plants and trees and find out how to recognise different types. In History and Geography, we will learn about Bramley now and in the past. In Art, we will be collect natural objects and make transient art inspired by the artist Andy Goldsworthy. In RE we will find out about special books and in PSHE we will be focusing on relationships in particular families and friendships.

PE will be on a Monday.